Changelog Yup Live Web/Android

17 July - 2024


  1. minor changes to farcaster display
  2. video player changes
  3. updates to some android native dependencies

12 July - 2024


  1. updated web and mobile dependencies
  2. Migrate to Ionic 8 on mobile
  3. migrate to capacitor 6 on mobile
  4. deleted deprecated NFTs and bluesky feeds
  5. added threads feed
  6. removed the score from the display and replaced that with pro account status
  7. added ability to add favorite farcaster channels
  8. added workflow to announce commits and new versions

25 June - 2024


  1. delete gated info from signup
  2. change farcaster channel in post to be displayed as /
  3. enable long cast post for farcaster

02 June - 2024


  1. cross post modal perf improvements
  2. deprecate profile menu buttons for wallet and collection
  3. deprecate search posts

24 May - 2024


  1. deprecated wallet page from web3Profile and yup profile on yup web/android
  2. added new multi-login method that supports team accounts

22 May - 2024


  1. deprecated wallet and collection page from yup profile on yup live web

21 May - 2024


  1. removed yup-score from yup live web/mobile
  2. small crosspost improvements

14 May - 2024


  1. removed the staking page from yup live mobile because it was deprecated
  2. replaced the staking page with the claim page on yup live mobile
  3. on a farcaster post if user dosen't have farcaster handle FID will be shown instead of the handle

13 May - 2024


  1. added exit liqudity on deprecated staking page that ca be accesed at /stake route

12 May - 2024


  1. deprecated polygon staking page on yup live web
  2. replaced staking links with claim links on yup live web
  3. added support for claiming yup rewards on yup live web